Articles | Volume 25, issue 3
Research article
04 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 04 Sep 2018

Chaotic dynamics and the role of covariance inflation for reduced rank Kalman filters with model error

Colin Grudzien, Alberto Carrassi, and Marc Bocquet

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Cited articles

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Bocquet, M. and Sakov, P.: Combining inflation-free and iterative ensemble Kalman filters for strongly nonlinear systems, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 19, 383–399,, 2012.
Short summary
Using the framework Lyapunov vectors, we analyze the asymptotic properties of ensemble based Kalman filters and how these are influenced by dynamical chaos, especially in the context of random model errors and small ensemble sizes. Particularly, we show a novel derivation of the evolution of forecast uncertainty for ensemble-based Kalman filters with weakly-nonlinear error growth, and discuss its impact for filter design in geophysical models.