Special issues


4th International Workshop on Nonlinear Waves and Chaos in Space Plasmas, 2003
Eds. E. Mjølhus, B. Tsurutani, and J. Büchner


A century of Milankovic’s theory of climate changes: achievements and challenges (NPG/CP inter-journal SI), 2021
Eds. Jürgen Kurths, Marie-France Loutre, Cedo Maksimovic, Fedor Mesinger, Denis-Didier Rousseau, and Daniel Schertzer
Advances and challenges in nonlinear geosciences (EGU Session NP1.1 2010), 2010
Eds. H. A. Dijkstra, U. Feudel, and O.Talagrand
Advances in post-processing and blending of deterministic and ensemble forecasts, 2019
Eds. Stephan Hemri, Sebastian Lerch, Maxime Taillardat, Stéphane Vannitsem, and Daniel S. Wilks
Advances in remote sensing data analyses for investigating nonlinear processes, 2012
Eds. R. Lasaponara, G. Petropoulos, A. Lanorte, and O. Talagrand
Advances in space environment turbulence, 2004
Eds. P.-L. Sulem, T. Passot, A. Chian, and J. Büchner


Centennial issue on nonlinear geophysics: accomplishments of the past, challenges of the future, 2019
Eds. Roger Grimshaw, Ana M. Mancho, Daniel Schertzer, Olivier Talagrand, and Stéphane Vannitsem
Coherent structures and turbulence in geophysical media, 2006
Eds. N. S. Erokhin and H. Branover
Complex environmental and geophysical turbulence, 2016
Eds. J. M. Redondo, P. Fraunie, J. von Hardenberg, F. Tampieri, J. Rees, J. LaCasce, and R. Grimshaw
Complex network approaches to analyzing and modeling nonlinear systems in geosciences, 2014
Eds. R. Donner, J. Donges, J. Davidsen, A. Loew, M. Small, and J. Kurths
Complex space-time geophysical structures, 1995
Eds. W. R. Peltier, D. Rothman, R. Snieder and A. Sornette
Complexity and extreme events in geosciences, 2010
Eds. A. S. Sharma, V. P. Dimri, A. Bunde, and D. Schertzer
Coupling between large and small scale turbulence in space and laboratory plasmas, 2008
Eds. T. Passot, R. Pottelette, B. Tsurutani, T. Hada, and P.-L. Sulem
Current perspectives in modelling, monitoring, and predicting geophysical fluid dynamics, 2017
Eds. A. M. Mancho, E. Hernández-García, C. López, A. Turiel, S. Wiggins, and V. Perez-Muñuzuri


Developments in the science and history of tides (OS/ACP/HGSS/NPG/SE inter-journal SI), 2018
Eds. P.L. Woodworth, R.D. Ray, M. Green, and R. Grimshaw


Ensemble methods in geophysical sciences, 2013
Eds. O. Talagrand, R. Buizza, G. Desroziers, T. Gneiting, and P. J. van Leeuwen
Extreme Events: Nonlinear Dynamics and Time Series Analysis, 2007
Eds. H. Rust, P. Yiou, and B. D. Malamud
Extreme internal wave events, 2017
Eds. K. Terletska, T. Talipova, O. Kurkina, M. Stastna, and R. Grimshaw
Extreme space weather, 2012
Eds. B. Tsurutani, K. Schryver, M. Guhathakurta, W. D. Gonzalez, A. Mannucci, G. Basri, D. Vassiliadis, V. Uritsky, and R. Grimshaw
Extreme surface and internal waves, 2008
Eds. E. Pelinovsky, R. Grimshaw, and I. Didenkulova


Geocomplexity: novel approaches to understanding geosystems, 2010
Eds. S. Lovejoy, J. Davidsen, and Q. Cheng
Geophysical Experiments, 2003
Eds. W.-G. Früh
Geophysical Laboratory Experiments, 2002
Eds. W.-G. Früh


Interdisciplinary perspectives on climate sciences – highlighting past and current scientific achievements, 2023
Eds. Valerio Lembo, Tommaso Alberti, Christian Franzke, Vera Melinda Galfi, Lesley De Cruz, and Olivier Talagrand
International Workshops on Nonlinear Waves and Chaos in Space Plasmas, 2004
Eds. G. S. Lakhina, A. S. Sharma, and J. Büchner


Large amplitude internal waves in the coastal ocean, 2010
Eds. R. Grimshaw, K. Helfrich, and A. Scotti


Magnetic reconnection and turbulence in space, laboratory and astrophysical systems, 2011
Eds. G. Lapenta, A. Lazarian, T. Intrator, J. Sears, and R. Grimshaw
Multifractal analysis in soil systems, 2016
Eds. A. Paz-González, A. Biswas, F. Yuan, Y. Pachepsky, J. M. Miras Avalos, and D. Schertzer
Multifractals and intermittent turbulence in the solar-terrestrial system, 2011
Eds. H. Lamy, J. De Keyser, M. M. Echim, T. Chang, and D. Schertzer
Multifractional Brownian motions in geosciences, 2012
Eds. S. Gaci, J. Lévy-Véhel, C. Keylock, J. Wanliss, and. D. Schertzer


New Perspectives in Magnetospheric Dynamics: Chaos, Fractals, Multiscale Turbulence and Criticality, 2002
Eds. G. Consolini, A. T. Y. Lui, S. Chapman, and L. Zelenyi
Nonlinear Processes in the Space Environment, 2008
Eds. W. M. Macek, K. Stasiewicz, A. Chian, and J. Büchner
Nonlinear Waves and Chaos, 2017
Eds. B. Tsurutani, G. Morales, A. Pouquet, G. S. Lakhina, M. Hoshino, J. Valdivia, Y. Narita, and R. Grimshaw
Nonlinear and Scaling Processes in Hydrology and Soil Science, 2008
Eds. A. M. Tarquis, J. de Lima, W. Krajewski, Q. Cheng, and H. Gaonach
Nonlinear and multiscale phenomena in space plasmas, 2005
Eds. J. Büchner, S. Chapman, A. Chian, A. S. Sharma, D. Vassiliadis, and N. Watkins
Nonlinear dynamics in oceanic and atmospheric flows: theory and observations, 2013
Eds. A. M. Mancho, E. Hernández-García, C. López, A. Turiel, S. Wiggins, J. Duan, and U. Feudel
Nonlinear dynamics of Earth-Oceans-Space (EOS2005), 2006
Eds. A. Chian, H. Fujisaka, J. Kurths and T. Ogino
Nonlinear dynamics of the coastal zone, 2013
Eds. I. Didenkulova , E. Pelinovsky, H. Kalisch, and R. Grimshaw
Nonlinear internal waves, 2021
Eds. Kateryna Terletska, Marek Stastna, Tatiana Talipova, Zhenhua Xu, and Ana M. Mancho
Nonlinear plasma waves in space and laboratories, 2010
Eds. B. Tsurutani, G. Morales, and R. Grimshaw
Nonlinear plasma waves-solitons, periodic waves and oscillations, 2004
Eds. J. Büchner, E. Dubinin, J. McKenzie, and G. Zank
Nonlinear processes in oceanic and atmospheric flows, 2009
Eds. S. Wiggins, A. M. Mancho, E. Hernández García, C. López, A. Turiel, and E. Garcia Ladona
Nonlinear processes in solar-terrestrial physics and dynamics of Earth-Ocean-System, 2004
Eds. A. Chian, J. Büchner, P. Chu, and P. Watkins
Nonlinear processes of Air-Sea/Land interaction: from observations to theoretical understanding, 2013
Eds. I. Esau, H. J. Fernando, S. Galmarini, S. Zilitinkevich, Y. Troitskaya, L. Karlin, N. Kasimov, and R. Grimshaw
Nonlinear waves and chaos in space plasmas, 2013
Eds. G. Morales, A. C. L. Chian, T. Hada, G. S. Lakhina, B. Tsurutani, and R. Grimshaw
Nonlinear waves and turbulence in space, 2007
Eds. T. Hada, J. Buechner, A. Chian, and B. Tsurutani
Nonlinear waves in the ocean, 2011
Eds. E. Pelinovsky, I. Didenkulova, A. Slunyaev, C. Kharif, and R. Grimshaw
Nonlinearity, scaling and complexity in exploration geophysics, 2011
Eds. S.-A. Ouadfeul, M. Fedi, V. Prasad Dimri, and L. Aliouane


Physics-driven data mining in climate change and weather extremes, 2014
Eds. A. Ganguly, V. Mishra, D. Wang, W. Hsieh, F. Hoffman, V. Kumar, and J. Kurths
Predictability in Earth Sciences, 2008
Eds. Z. Toth, O. Talagrand, S. Vannitsem, and G. Balint


Quantifying Predictability, 2003
Eds. Z. Toth and R. Buizza
Quantifying predictability, 2005
Eds. Z. Toth, O. Talagrand, and S. Vannitsem


Recent advances in data analysis and modeling of nonlinear geophysical systems, 2011
Eds. R. Donner, S. Barbosa, J. Kurths, and P. Miranda


Seismicity pattern dynamics, 2004
Eds. C. Goltz and J. Davidson


Theoretical and computational aspects of ensemble design, implementation, and interpretation in climate science (ESD/GMD/NPG inter-journal SI), 2024
Eds. Francisco de Melo Viríssimo, Irina Tezaur, Eviatar Bach, David Stainforth, and Christian Franzke
Theory and Simulation of Solar System Plasmas, No.4, 2003
Eds. J. Büchner and G. Belmont
Theory and simulation of Solar System Plasmas, No. 2, 2001
Eds. J. Büchner and G. Belmont
Theory and simulation of Solar System Plasmas, No. 3, 2002
Eds. J. Büchner and G. Belmont
Turbulence and plankton, 2024
Eds. François G. Schmitt, Martin Bees, Enrico Calzavarini, Filippo De Lillo, Idan Tuval, and Daniel Schertzer
Turbulence, wave–current interactions, and other nonlinear physical processes in lakes and oceans, 2024
Eds. Kateryna Terletska, Kevin Lamb, Marek Stastna, François G. Schmitt, Manita Chouksey, Verónica Morales Márquez, Enrico Calzavarini, and Ana M. Mancho
Turbulent transport in geosciences, 2005
Eds. W.-G. Früh, J. M. Redondo, and J.-B. Flor



Waves in media with pre-existing or emerging inhomogeneities and dissipation, 2016
Eds. A. Dyskin, E. Pasternak, S. Turuntaev, E. Pelinovsky, and R. Grimshaw
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