Articles | Volume 28, issue 3
Special issue:
Research article
14 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 14 Sep 2021

Enhanced diapycnal mixing with polarity-reversing internal solitary waves revealed by seismic reflection data

Yi Gong, Haibin Song, Zhongxiang Zhao, Yongxian Guan, Kun Zhang, Yunyan Kuang, and Wenhao Fan

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Cited articles

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Short summary
When the internal solitary wave propagates to the continental shelf and slope, the polarity reverses due to the shallower water depth. In this process, the internal solitary wave dissipates energy and enhances diapycnal mixing, thus affecting the local oceanic environment. In this study, we used reflection seismic data to evaluate the spatial distribution of the diapycnal mixing around the polarity-reversing internal solitary waves.
Special issue