Articles | Volume 27, issue 3
Research article
31 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 31 Aug 2020

Beyond univariate calibration: verifying spatial structure in ensembles of forecast fields

Josh Jacobson, William Kleiber, Michael Scheuerer, and Joseph Bellier

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Related subject area

Subject: Time series, machine learning, networks, stochastic processes, extreme events | Topic: Climate, atmosphere, ocean, hydrology, cryosphere, biosphere | Techniques: Theory
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Cited articles

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Bellier, J., Scheuerer, M., and Hamill, T. M.: Precipitation downscaling with Gibbs sampling: An improved method for producing realistic, weather-dependent and anisotropic fields, J. Hydrometeorol.,, online first, 2020. a
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Short summary
Most verification metrics for ensemble forecasts assess the representation of uncertainty at a particular location and time. We study a new diagnostic tool based on fractions of threshold exceedance (FTE) which evaluates an additional important attribute: the ability of ensemble forecast fields to reproduce the spatial structure of observed fields. The utility of this diagnostic tool is demonstrated through simulations and an application to ensemble precipitation forecasts.