Articles | Volume 24, issue 2
Research article
27 Apr 2017
Research article |  | 27 Apr 2017

Sandpile-based model for capturing magnitude distributions and spatiotemporal clustering and separation in regional earthquakes

Rene C. Batac, Antonino A. Paguirigan Jr., Anjali B. Tarun, and Anthony G. Longjas

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Cited articles

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Batac, R. C.: Statistical Properties of the Immediate Aftershocks of the 15 October 2013 Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake in Bohol, Philippines, Acta Geophys., 64, 15–25,, 2016.
Short summary
The sandpile-based model is the paradigm model of self-organized criticality (SOC), a mechanism believed to be responsible for the occurrence of scale-free (power-law) distributions in nature. One particular SOC system that is rife with power-law distributions is that of earthquakes, the most widely known of which is the Gutenberg–Richter (GR) law of earthquake energies. Here, we modify the sandpile to be of use in capturing the energy, space, and time statistics of earthquakes simultaneously.