Articles | Volume 30, issue 1
Brief communication
31 Jan 2023
Brief communication |  | 31 Jan 2023

Brief communication: Climate science as a social process – history, climatic determinism, Mertonian norms and post-normality

Hans von Storch

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Subject: Scaling, multifractals, turbulence, complex systems, self-organized criticality | Topic: Climate, atmosphere, ocean, hydrology, cryosphere, biosphere | Techniques: Theory
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Climate science is, as all sciences, a social process and as such conditioned by the zeitgeist of the time. It has an old history and has attained different political significances. Today, it is the challenge of anthropogenic climate change – and societies want answers about how to deal with it. In earlier times, it was mostly the ideology of climate determinism which led people to construct superiority and eventually colonialism.