Articles | Volume 23, issue 3
Research article
15 Jun 2016
Research article |  | 15 Jun 2016

Ocean–atmosphere–wave characterisation of a wind jet (Ebro shelf, NW Mediterranean Sea)

Manel Grifoll, Jorge Navarro, Elena Pallares, Laura Ràfols, Manuel Espino, and Ana Palomares

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Cited articles

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Cerralbo, P., Grifoll, M., Moré, J., Bravo, M., Sairouní Afif, A., and Espino, M.: Wind variability in a coastal area (Alfacs Bay, Ebro River delta), Adv. Sci. Res., 12, 11–21,, 2015.
Short summary
In this contribution the wind jet dynamics in the northern margin of the Ebro River shelf (NW Mediterranean Sea) are investigated using coupled numerical models. The study area is characterized by persistent and energetic offshore winds during autumn and winter. However, the coupling effect in the wind resource assessment may be relevant due to the cubic relation between the wind intensity and power.