Articles | Volume 27, issue 2
Research article
12 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 12 Jun 2020

Simulation-based comparison of multivariate ensemble post-processing methods

Sebastian Lerch, Sándor Baran, Annette Möller, Jürgen Groß, Roman Schefzik, Stephan Hemri, and Maximiliane Graeter

Model code and software

Replication material and implementations of all methods S. Lerch, S. Baran, A. Möller, J. Groß, R. Schefzik, S. Hemri, and M. Graeter

Short summary
Accurate models of spatial, temporal, and inter-variable dependencies are of crucial importance for many practical applications. We review and compare several methods for multivariate ensemble post-processing, where such dependencies are imposed via copula functions. Our investigations utilize simulation studies that mimic challenges occurring in practical applications and allow ready interpretation of the effects of different misspecifications of the numerical weather prediction ensemble.