Articles | Volume 23, issue 6
Research article
01 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 01 Nov 2016

Compound extremes in a changing climate – a Markov chain approach

Katrin Sedlmeier, Sebastian Mieruch, Gerd Schädler, and Christoph Kottmeier

Data sets

E-Obs dataset M. R. Haylock, N. Hofstra, A. M. G. K. Tank, E. J. Klok, P. D. Jones, and M. New

ECA&D data E. J. Klok and A. M. G. K. Klein Tank

Short summary
Compound extreme events (e.g., simultaneous occurrence of hot and dry days) are likely to have a big impact on society. In our paper, we propose a new method to analyze the temporal succession of compound extreme events, an aspect that has been largely neglected so far. We analyze past and future changes and identify regions within Europe, which are probably susceptible to a future change in the succession of heavy precipitation and cold days in winter and hot and dry days in summer.