13 Jan 2017
 | 13 Jan 2017
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Full-tensor gravity gradient eigenvector analysis for locating complex geological source positions

Boxin Zuo, Mason Andrew Kass, Xiangyun Hu, and Meixia Geng

Abstract. We develop an eigenvector analysis method to locate the centroids and horizontal boundaries of geological structures of full tensor gravity gradient (GGT) data. Although the boundary detection method for Bouguer gravity has been widely discussed and applied, the source location method for GGT data remains an area of active research. In this paper, we first discuss the theoretical basis and physical meaning of the eigenvector analysis on GGT data, and then a new source location method is derived. Unlike traditional potential field boundary detection, the proposed method uses eigenvector analysis to extract the source centroid information. The interference of multiple and overlapping sources and the parameter identification related with the multiple scales of the GGT eigenvector analysis are presented in the theoretical and experimental sections. Finally, the proposed method is applied to synthetic and field data.

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Boxin Zuo, Mason Andrew Kass, Xiangyun Hu, and Meixia Geng

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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Boxin Zuo, Mason Andrew Kass, Xiangyun Hu, and Meixia Geng
Boxin Zuo, Mason Andrew Kass, Xiangyun Hu, and Meixia Geng


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Latest update: 07 Mar 2025

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Short summary
Gravity gradiometry is the study and measurement of spatial change rate of gravitational acceleration. In this paper, we develop an eigenvector analysis method to locate the centroids and horizontal boundaries of sources of gravity gradient data. The proposed method can provide a clear map of the buried complex geological sources. It can be used as an effective tool for locating the positions of exploration wells, or in 3D gravity gradient inversion algorithms.