Articles | Volume 28, issue 4
Research article
15 Oct 2021
Research article |  | 15 Oct 2021

Multivariate localization functions for strongly coupled data assimilation in the bivariate Lorenz 96 system

Zofia Stanley, Ian Grooms, and William Kleiber

Model code and software

zcstanley/Multivariate_Localization_Functions: Code for resubmission (2.0) Zofia Stanley

Short summary
In weather forecasting, observations are incorporated into a model of the atmosphere through a process called data assimilation. Sometimes observations in one location may impact the weather forecast in another faraway location in undesirable ways. The impact of distant observations on the forecast is mitigated through a process called localization. We propose a new method for localization when a model has multiple length scales, as in a model spanning both the ocean and the atmosphere.