Articles | Volume 26, issue 4
Research article
15 Nov 2019
Research article |  | 15 Nov 2019

A prototype stochastic parameterization of regime behaviour in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer

Carsten Abraham, Amber M. Holdsworth, and Adam H. Monahan

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Abraham, C. and Monahan, A. H.: Climatological Features of the Weakly and Very Stably Stratified Nocturnal Boundary Layers. Part II: Regime Occupation and Transition Statistics and the Influence of External Drivers, J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 3485–3504,, 2019b. a
Abraham, C. and Monahan, A. H.: Climatological Features of the Weakly and Very Stably Stratified Nocturnal Boundary Layers, Part III: The Structure of Meteorological State Variables in Persistent Regime Nights and across Regime Transitions, J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 3505–3527,, 2019c. a
Abraham, C., Holdsworth, A. M., and Monahan, A. H.: Replication Data for: A prototype stochastic parameterization of regime behaviour in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer,, Scholars Portal Dataverse, 2019. 
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Short summary
Atmospheric stably stratified boundary layers display transitions between regimes of sustained and intermittent turbulence. These transitions are not well represented in numerical weather prediction and climate models. A prototype explicitly stochastic turbulence parameterization simulating regime dynamics is presented and tested in an idealized model. Results demonstrate that the approach can improve the regime representation in models.