Articles | Volume 26, issue 3
Research article
20 Aug 2019
Research article |  | 20 Aug 2019

Application of fractal models to delineate mineralized zones in the Pulang porphyry copper deposit, Yunnan, southwestern China

Xiaochen Wang, Qinglin Xia, Tongfei Li, Shuai Leng, Yanling Li, Li Kang, Zhijun Chen, and Lianrong Wu


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Short summary
We utilized N-S, C-V and S-V fractal models to delineate different grades of mineralization in the Pulang deposit. The high-grade mineralization determined by S–V has a better correlation with potassic alteration zones resulting from the 3-D geological model than from N-S and C-V models. The highly and moderately mineralized zones obtained from the fractal models are both situated in the southern and central parts of the Pulang deposit and coincide with potassic and phyllic alteration zones.