05 Dec 2018
 | 05 Dec 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NPG but the revision was not accepted.

On the localization in strongly coupled ensemble data assimilation using a two-scale Lorenz model

Zheqi Shen, Youmin Tang, Xiaojing Li, Yanqiu Gao, and Junde Li

Abstract. In the data assimilation of coupled models, the stongly coupled data assimilation (SCDA) is much more complicated than the weakly coupled data assimilation (WCDA), since it involves the cross-domain error covariances which could be very inaccurate when the ensemble size is small. In this study, the SCDA experiments are conducted using a two-scale Lorenz '96 model, which is a coupled system composed by two Lorenz '96 models in two domains have different temporal and spatial scales. A localization strategy is specially designed for the cross-domain error covariances when the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF) is used for the coupled data assimilation (CDA) experiments. The formulas for computing the localization factors that can deal with multiple spatial scales and provide essential information are developed to imporve the quality of analyses. The result shows that the SCDA can provides much more accurate estimation of the states than the WCDA when the localization for the cross-domain error covariances is used. Moreover, it is found that the advantage of the SCDA over the WCDA for this model is attributed to the assimilation of small scale observations into the coupled system, whereas the contribution of the assimilation of the large-scale observations to the coupled system is not obvious. This current study provides a possible strategy or idea for developing operational CDA using realistic coupled models.

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Zheqi Shen, Youmin Tang, Xiaojing Li, Yanqiu Gao, and Junde Li
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Zheqi Shen, Youmin Tang, Xiaojing Li, Yanqiu Gao, and Junde Li
Zheqi Shen, Youmin Tang, Xiaojing Li, Yanqiu Gao, and Junde Li


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Short summary
In this work, we conduct the strongly coupled data assimilation (SCDA) experiments using a two-scale Lorenz '96 model with the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter. This is a coupled system composed by two models with different scales. We have developed a new localization strategy for the cross-domain error covariances, which is crucial for the quality of SCDA. The results show that the SCDA with localization could provide much more accurate estimation of the states than the WCDA.