21 Jun 2017
 | 21 Jun 2017
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Study on connectivity mechanism and robustness of three-dimensional pore network of sandstone based on complex network theory

Guannan Liu, Xiaopeng Pei, Feng Gao, Xin Liang, Jianguo Wang, and Dayu Ye

Abstract. There are a large number of pores and throats inside the rock, with different magnitude and shape, whose connection is complex[1–3]. Based on the complex network theory, combined with X–ray CT scan and image processing technology, we used sandstone as an example to study the structural characteristics of rock network of different porosities. The experimental results show that the seepage network of sandstone is similar to the BA scale-free network in the structural characteristics. The average path length of sandstone generally increases with the increase of network magnitude. The average of number of edges of node plays a dominant role for the porosity of sandstone. It is inferred that in the large number of pores, few pores with a number of connections have an important role in the overall connectivity of the sandstone seepage network. At the same time, sandstone seepage network has better fault tolerance rate and robustness to external random attacks. The results of this paper may provide a new idea for the study of fluid storage and migration mechanisms in porous materials and the application of complex network theory in interdisciplinary fields.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Guannan Liu, Xiaopeng Pei, Feng Gao, Xin Liang, Jianguo Wang, and Dayu Ye

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Guannan Liu, Xiaopeng Pei, Feng Gao, Xin Liang, Jianguo Wang, and Dayu Ye
Guannan Liu, Xiaopeng Pei, Feng Gao, Xin Liang, Jianguo Wang, and Dayu Ye


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Latest update: 22 Oct 2024

This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
The experimental results show that the seepage network of sandstone is similar to the BA scale-free network in the structural characteristics. The average path length of sandstone generally increases with the increase of network magnitude. The average of number of edges of node plays a dominant role for the porosity of sandstone. At the same time, sandstone seepage network has better fault tolerance rate and robustness to external random attacks.