18 Dec 2014
 | 18 Dec 2014
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NPG but the revision was not accepted.

Features of fluid flows in strongly nonlinear internal solitary waves

S. Semin, O. Kurkina, A. Kurkin, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, and E. Churaev

Abstract. The characteristics of highly nonlinear solitary internal waves (solitons) are calculated within the fully nonlinear numerical model of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The verification and adaptation of the model is based on the data from laboratory experiments. The present paper also compares the results of our calculations with the calculations performed in the framework of the fully nonlinear Bergen Ocean Model. The comparison of the computed soliton parameters with the predictions of the weakly nonlinear theory based on the Gardner equation is given. The occurrence of reverse flow in the bottom layer directly behind the soliton is confirmed in the numerical simulations. The trajectories of Lagrangian particles in the internal soliton on the surface, on the pycnocline and near the bottom are computed.

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S. Semin, O. Kurkina, A. Kurkin, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, and E. Churaev
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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S. Semin, O. Kurkina, A. Kurkin, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, and E. Churaev
S. Semin, O. Kurkina, A. Kurkin, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, and E. Churaev


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Short summary
The characteristics of highly nonlinear solitary internal waves are calculated within the fully nonlinear numerical MITgcm model, which is verified and adapted on the data from laboratory experiments. The comparison of the computed soliton parameters with the predictions of the weakly nonlinear theory is given. The reverse flow in the bottom layer behind the soliton is confirmed by the numerics. The trajectories of Lagrangian particles in the internal soliton are computed.