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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
On parameter bias in earthquake sequence models using data assimilation
Arundhuti Banerjee
Ylona van Dinther
Femke C. Vossepoel
- Final revised paper (published on 05 Apr 2023)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 07 Sep 2022)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-766', Anonymous Referee #1, 15 Sep 2022
The study by Banerjee et al. illustrates the implications of parameter bias in data assimilation applications for seismic-cycle modelling. One of the prominent features is that they adopted a particle filter. This is an interesting work. Characterizing the slip rate and shear stress in presence parameter bias is important to earthquake sequence estimation. The manuscript is logically organized and well written. Hence, my recommendation is minor revision before acceptance.
My main comment is about the data of this study. Synthetic observations are produced by sampling from the synthetic truth and adding an observational error from a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation. However, the real observations could be affected by instrumental noise, missing data, spikes, etc, and a short time step of four time units may no longer be applicable. I understand that the authors lack real observations. But they should at least discuss this limitation in Section 5.
Other minor comments are as follows.
Comment 1
In introduction, please review some previous studies where either the frictional parameters have been estimated as part of the data assimilation or assumed to be perfectly known.
Comment 2
Section 2.1: Please specify how to quantitively determine the observation noise error. Please review some data assimilation frameworks and explain the reason why this framework is selected.
Comment 3
Equation 4: What does j mean? Is it a typo?
Comment 4
Line 89: In the presence of filter degeneracy, how to guarantee that one or few particles with high weight are sufficiently representative as the input?
Comment 5
Line 96: The sequential importance resampling process duplicates particles with high weight. Please explain its physical meaning in data assimilation.
Comment 6
Section 2.2: The model of forwarding simulation is important to data assimilation. In this study, a zero-dimensional (0D) model is considered. However, 1D, 2/3D models are also available. Please specify the reason why 0D model is selected. More details of its pros and cons are expected.
Comment 7
Line 149: What if in the region a-b>0?
Comment 8
Section 3.2: The assimilation step may have an important effect on the results. In this study a very short time step is adopted. Please provide more discussions on its effect. If a longer time step is used, can a small parameter bias still be compensated?
Comment 9
Discussion: I appreciate the authors’ efforts in stating the limitations of this study, but here I expect more discussion on their results and comparison with previous studies (without data assimilation).
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Arundhuti Banerjee, 05 Jan 2023
Response to the editorial comments for the Manuscript entitled “On Parameter Bias in Earthquake Sequence Models using Data Assimilation”
The authors are thankful to the editor for his insightful guidance in making us improve the quality of the manuscript and for considering us for possible publication in the esteemed journal of ‘Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics’. The authors are thankful to the reviewers for their helpful comments. Following the comments of the reviewers, the necessary changes are made in the revised manuscript.
Comments from Reviewer 1
Comment 1:
Synthetic observations are produced by sampling from the synthetic truth and adding an observational error from a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation. However, the real observations could be affected by instrumental noise, missing data, spikes, etc, and a short time step of four time units may no longer be applicable. I understand that the authors lack real observations. But they should at least discuss this limitation in Section 5.
The authors thank the reviewer for the comment. Indeed, the assumption of data availability (once every four time units) and the assumptions on the standard deviation and distribution of the observational error may not be valid when assimilating real data. We have mentioned this as a limitation in our discussion (page 21, line 348-356).
Comment No. 2:
In introduction, please review some previous studies where either the frictional parameters have been estimated as part of the data assimilation or assumed to be perfectly known.
The authors have included some references which estimates frictional parameters using data assimilation and are mentioned in the manuscript as (page 2, line 35-37).
Comment No. 3:
Section 2.1: Please specify how to quantitively determine the observation noise error. Please review some data assimilation frameworks and explain the reason why this framework is selected.
Observational errors can be determined by comparing observations of velocity or displacement with independent observations of these variables. This text is added to the manuscript. In the introduction, we motivate the choice for using ensemble-based data assimilation methods especially particle filters (page 2, line 38-44). For a further review of data assimilation frameworks, we refer the reader to the recent book by Evensen et al (2022). This reference has been added to the respective text in the introduction as (line 40-41, page 2).
Comment No. 4:
Equation 4: What does j mean? Is it a typo?
The authors appreciate the reviewer’s comments. It is a typo and it should be i which is the number of realization. It has been corrected in the manuscript.
Comment No. 5:
Line 89: In the presence of filter degeneracy, how to guarantee that one or few particles with high weight are sufficiently representative as the input?
In degeneracy, the weight of one particle is close to one while the weight of all the other particles is close to zero. In this case, a single particle represents the filtered distribution, which results in an extremely poor approximation. Hence it is important to avoid filter degeneracy by (i) adding jitter in the prior distribution and (ii) using resampling step in particle filter. In the present work, we have included both to avoid filter degeneracy.
Comment No. 6:
Line 96: The sequential importance resampling process duplicates particles with high weight. Please explain its physical meaning in data assimilation.
The authors appreciate the reviewers' comments. In this implementation of the particle filter, the sequential importance resampling attributes higher weight to particles that are closer to the observations. This is done by multiplying the prior by the likelihood, which can be considered a weight function (in this study, a Lorentz function). Then, in the resampling step, the importance resampling process removes those particles which have low weight in the distribution and thereby retains only those particles which have a higher weight. These are then duplicated according to their weight, in such a way that the number of particles remains constant. This ensures an approximation of the prior distribution that is less sensitive to particle degeneracy. We have mentioned this in text from line 102-105 in page 4.
Comment No. 7:
Section 2.2: The model of forwarding simulation is important to data assimilation. In this study, a zero-dimensional (0D) model is considered. However, 1D, 2/3D models are also available. Please specify the reason why 0D model is selected. More details of its pros and cons are expected.
The authors appreciate the comment of the reviewer. We have explained the reason of choosing a simplified model for this study in detail from line 357-366 (page 21) in the discussion of the manuscript.
Comment No. 8:
Line 149: What if in the region a-b>0?
The parameter combination (a – b) < 0 corresponds to steady state slip rate-weakening properties causing an unstable rapid slip (frictionally unstable), while (a – b)> 0 corresponds to the steady state velocity- strengthening behaviour, causing a stable slip (frictionally stable). Since we are primarily interested in frictionally unstable earthquake cycles, we have focused on parameter combination for (a – b) < 0. According to Ruina (1983), if a velocity-strengthening system experiences a slip instability, the motion will be rapidly dampened down to a state of stability. A velocity-weakening system, on the other hand, will no matter how carefully driven, always exhibit growing oscillations and reach a state of regular stick slip (Scholz (2019)). The velocity-strengthening behaviour is thus intrinsically stable. For this reason, we have not investigated the case of (a-b) > 0 in this study.
Comment No. 9:
Section 3.2: The assimilation step may have an important effect on the results. In this study a very short time step is adopted. Please provide more discussions on its effect. If a longer time step is used, can a small parameter bias still be compensated?
Having large assimilation steps can also have a detrimental effect on the data assimilation process as it can miss characteristic variations of the earthquake cycle. A parameter bias can have a substantial effect on the evolution of the state variables, which may be difficult to correct if the assimilation step is large. Hence a short time step is to be chosen that allows the assimilation to capture the important characteristics of the earthquake cycle.
Comment 10:
Discussion: I appreciate the authors’ efforts in stating the limitations of this study, but here I expect more discussion on their results and comparison with previous studies (without data assimilation).
We extended the discussion with a section that discusses our results in relation to previous studies without data assimilation (line 330-339, page 21).
Evensen, G., Vossepoel, F. C., & van Leeuwen, P. J. (2022). Data Assimilation Fundamentals: A Unified Formulation of the State and Parameter Estimation Problem.
Hsu, Y. J., Simons, M., Avouac, J. P., Galetzka, J., Sieh, K., Chlieh, M., ... & Bock, Y. (2006). Frictional afterslip following the 2005 Nias-Simeulue earthquake, Sumatra. Science,312(5782), 1921-1926.
Li, M., Pranger, C., & van Dinther, Y. (2022). Characteristics of Earthquake Cycles: A Cross‐Dimensional Comparison of 0D to 3D Numerical Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(8), e2021JB023726.
Miyazaki, S. I., Segall, P., Fukuda, J., & Kato, T. (2004). Space time distribution of afterslip following the 2003 Tokachi‐oki earthquake: Implications for variations in fault zone frictional properties. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(6).
Ruina, A. (1983). Slip instability and state variable friction laws. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 88(B12), 10359-10370.
Scholz, C. H. (2019). The mechanics of earthquakes and faulting. Cambridge university press.
van Dinther, Y., Künsch, H. R., & Fichtner, A. (2019). Ensemble data assimilation for earthquake sequences: probabilistic estimation and forecasting of fault stresses. Geophysical Journal International, 217(3), 1453-1478.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Arundhuti Banerjee, 05 Jan 2023
RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-766', Anonymous Referee #2, 02 Oct 2022
This work focuses on the ability of data assimilation in providing estimates of fault states (slip rate and shear stress) in the presence of friction parameter biases by using a particle filter. Simultaneous state-parameter estimation seems to be an interesting endeavour in this challenging problem. The manuscript is organized and well written. My recommendation is minor revision before acceptance.
Please, see below my comments:
Comment 1
The study uses particle filter as the data assimilation method to solve the problem. But it would be good to inform the reader which other data assimilation methods were previously used in studies related to earthquake modelling and if those were successful. If not, which were the main issues and why a particle filter would suit better in this problem compared to those. This would mainly situate the reader on the importance of your choice on the method for this study.Comment 2
Equations 4 and 5: What does j mean?Comment 3
The authors use a Lorentz function instead of a Gaussian to prevent filter degeneracy. In addition, a SIR step is used to further avoid this issue. Were these enough to avoid filter degeneracy or the system still presents the problem?Comment 4
The authors mention that real earthquakes are far from being periodic but, as they have considered a 0D model, their system generates periodic cycles. I wonder how far from a real state this 0D model is and why this study has not used a 1D model, in which at least a minimum spatial dimension would be considered. It will be interesting to address in the manuscript why the 0D model was chosen in this case.Comment 5
I suggest different colors for the trajectories in the phase diagram in Figure 2, as it is hard to distinguish between them.Comment 6
4 time steps in this model correspond to which portion of a seismic event? Please, describe it in the manuscript to situate the reader on the frequency of the assimilation steps, as earthquake cycles may not be a subject well understood by many.Comment 7
Have you tested the impact of the use of less particles in the filter? If so, it would be good to share these results as well.Comment 8
How do the orders of magnitude of the observation errors compare to the states? Are those the typical magnitude of the real measurement errors?Comment 9
It would be good to explain in the label of Figure 5 what each of the lines in the pdf represent.Comment 10
The authors mention that by using different assimilation settings, it is possible to inflate the ensemble. But it seems that the ensemble spread is not exactly the problem, as the state-parameter estimation presents much better results than the other tests which have an improved ensemble spread. Can the authors explain more clearly the effects of the spread on this specific seismic system?Comment 11
Figure 8b): What happens after nearly every 250 time steps, in which the periodic behaviour is lost by a double peak? What is the influence of the double resampling in these patterns?Comment 12
Still on Figure 8, it seems that Fig 8a) presents better results than Fig 8c), which makes me wonder if the double resampling is really helping the system...Comment 13
The results for the state-parameter estimation are indeed promising and I congratulate the authors for this, but I would expect a comparison of these results with any other study (if they exist) using 1D models with or without data assimilation. The manuscript lacks information on other results found by studies which used other data assimilation methods and/or models with different dimensions.Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Arundhuti Banerjee, 05 Jan 2023
Response to the editorial comments for the Manuscript entitled “On Parameter Bias in Earthquake Sequence Models using Data Assimilation''.
The authors are thankful to the editor for his insightful guidance in making us improve the quality of the manuscript and for considering us for possible publication in the esteemed journal of ‘Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics’. The authors are thankful to the reviewers for their helpful comments. Following the comments of the reviewers, the necessary changes are made in the revised manuscript.
Comments from Reviewer 2
Comment 1:
The study uses particle filter as the data assimilation method to solve the problem. But it would be good to inform the reader which other data assimilation methods were previously used in studies related to earthquake modelling and if those were successful. If not, which were the main issues and why a particle filter would suit better in this problem compared to those. This would mainly situate the reader on the importance of your choice on the method for this study.
Several different data assimilation methods have been used previously for estimating states for earthquake models. It has been reported in the manuscript (line 25-27, page 2). However, the data assimilation methods used in these references have not been explicitly mentioned in the manuscript. This has been modified from line 32-43 in Page 2 in the text.
Comment 2:
Equations 4 and 5: What does j mean?
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. J is a typo, and it should be i which is the number of particles or realization. It has been corrected in the manuscript.
Comment 3:
The authors use a Lorentz function instead of a Gaussian to prevent filter degeneracy. In addition, a SIR step is used to further avoid this issue. Were these enough to avoid filter degeneracy or the system still presents the problem?
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. Yes, the system did not face any filter degeneracy issues. We introduce a resampling step known as sequential importance resampling (SIR). This resampling discards particles with very low weights, while duplicating particles with high weights. Additionally, we introduced jitter in the prior distribution to avoid degeneracy.
Comment 4:
The authors mention that real earthquakes are far from being periodic but, as they have considered a 0D model, their system generates periodic cycles. I wonder how far from a real state this 0D model is and why this study has not used a 1D model, in which at least a minimum spatial dimension would be considered. It will be interesting to address in the manuscript why the 0D model was chosen in this case.
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. We have addressed this comment by adding a paragraph on the use of 0D, 1D and higher models for studying earthquake cycles. It has been mentioned in the discussion (line 357-366 in page 21 in text).
Comment 5:
I suggest different colors for the trajectories in the phase diagram in Figure 2, as it is hard to distinguish between them.
This comment has been incorporated and the color has been changed in the figure.
Comment 6:
4 time steps in this model correspond to which portion of a seismic event? Please, describe it in the manuscript to situate the reader on the frequency of the assimilation steps, as earthquake cycles may not be a subject well understood by many.
Having large assimilation steps can also have a detrimental effect on the data assimilation process as it can miss characteristic variations of the earthquake cycle. A parameter bias can have a substantial effect on the evolution of the state variables, which may be difficult to correct if the assimilation step is large. Hence a short time step is to be chosen that allows the assimilation to capture the important characteristics of the earthquake cycle. An additional text has been added in the manuscript (line 207-210, page 9) to educate the readers behind selecting this time step.
Comment 7:
Have you tested the impact of the use of less particles in the filter? If so, it would be good to share these results as well.
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. Yes, the authors have used 50 and 100 particles for this study. However, using a smaller number of particles, the system faces filter degeneracy issues. The authors added a sentence to describe these results. We have addressed this comment by adding text in the manuscript (line 340-347, page 21).
Comment 8:
How do the orders of magnitude of the observation errors compare to the states? Are those the typical magnitude of the real measurement errors?
The observational errors of the synthetic observations used in the study have been mentioned in the text (line 215-216, page 10). To obtain error estimates for each measurement type, the method explained in the study by Van Dinther (2019) were used where latest state-of-the-art values from the literature were considered. These errors were then downscaled to our model setup using the analogue scaling relation developed in Corbi et al.2013 (Van Dinther (2019)).
Comment 9:
It would be good to explain in the label of Figure 5 what each of the lines in the pdf represent.
The red line represents the posterior pdf, the grey line represents the prior pdf, the magenta line shows where the observation stands, and the black line is the true state. This explanation has been added in the manuscript.
Comment 10:
The authors mention that by using different assimilation settings, it is possible to inflate the ensemble. But it seems that the ensemble spread is not exactly the problem, as the state-parameter estimation presents much better results than the other tests which have an improved ensemble spread. Can the authors explain more clearly the effects of the spread on this specific seismic system?
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. In the case of state parameter estimation, the prior distribution contains particles with different parameter values (covering the entire spectrum from e = 0.1 to 0.8) as shown in Figure 9 (a-e). Hence for the data assimilation to be effective there is no need to inflate the ensemble spread to cover the (observation or) the true state. As seen from Fig 9, the range of the prior encompasses the shear stress value of the observation. On the other hand, in state estimation, the parameter e is constant, which would require inflation of the ensemble to encompass the value of the observation.
Comment 11:
Figure 8b): What happens after nearly every 250 time steps, in which the periodic behaviour is lost by a double peak? What is the influence of the double resampling in these patterns?
In Figure 8b, which represents the double resampling experiment, we observe a double peak at 250 time steps. The data assimilation analysis does not fit the observations well. A similar mismatch is observed after approximately 500 time steps in this experiment. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. At these moments, the double resampling effectively increases the spread in the particles to such an extent, that the constraint to the shear stress observations becomes less strong. The double resampling is not as effective in increasing the ensemble spread as the increased model error is (Fig 8a). We added a sentence to the text to describe this. We have addressed this comment by adding text in the manuscript (line 269-274, page 17).
Comment 12:
Still on Figure 8, it seems that Fig 8a) presents better results than Fig 8c), which makes me wonder if the double resampling is really helping the systeI.
Indeed, the increased model error in Fig 8a appears to be more effective than the double resampling. We changed the text to reflect this and thank the reviewer for this observation. We have addressed this comment by adding text (line 274-279, page 17) in the manuscript.
Comment 13:
The results for the state-parameter estimation are indeed promising and I congratulate the authors for this, but I would expect a comparison of these results with any other study (if they exist) using 1D models with or without data assimilation. The manuscript lacks information on other results found by studies which used other data assimilation methods and/or models with different dimensions.
Data assimilation in earthquake cycle models is still in its infancy. We are not aware of other studies that considers a model similar to the earthquake cycle model that we have used in this study. In the discussion, we have added a section which talks about the use of simplified and higher dimensional models for studying earthquakes. (line 352-362).
Corbi, F., Funiciello, F., Moroni, M., Van Dinther, Y., Mai, P. M., Dalguer, L. A., & Faccenna, C. (2013). The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: 1. Insights from laboratory models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(4), 1483-1501.
van Dinther, Y., Künsch, H. R., & Fichtner, A. (2019). Ensemble data assimilation for earthquake sequences: probabilistic estimation and forecasting of fault stresses. Geophysical Journal International, 217(3), 1453-1478.
AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Arundhuti Banerjee, 05 Jan 2023
Response to the editorial comments for the Manuscript entitled “On Parameter Bias in Earthquake Sequence Models using Data Assimilation''
The authors are thankful to the editor for his insightful guidance in making us improve the quality of the manuscript and for considering us for possible publication in the esteemed journal of ‘Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics’. The authors are thankful to the reviewers for their helpful comments. Following the comments of the reviewers, the necessary changes are made in the revised manuscript.
Comments from Reviewer 2
Comment 1:
The study uses particle filter as the data assimilation method to solve the problem. But it would be good to inform the reader which other data assimilation methods were previously used in studies related to earthquake modelling and if those were successful. If not, which were the main issues and why a particle filter would suit better in this problem compared to those. This would mainly situate the reader on the importance of your choice on the method for this study.
Several different data assimilation methods have been used previously for estimating states for earthquake models. It has been reported in the manuscript (line 25-27, page 2). However, the data assimilation methods used in these references have not been explicitly mentioned in the manuscript. This has been modified in line 32-40 in Page 2.
Comment 2:
Equations 4 and 5: What does j mean?
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. J is a typo, and it should be i which is the number of particles or realization. It has been corrected in the manuscript.
Comment 3:
The authors use a Lorentz function instead of a Gaussian to prevent filter degeneracy. In addition, a SIR step is used to further avoid this issue. Were these enough to avoid filter degeneracy or the system still presents the problem?
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. Yes, the system did not face any filter degeneracy issues. We introduce a resampling step known as sequential importance resampling (SIR). This resampling discards particles with very low weights, while duplicating particles with high weights. Additionally, we introduced jitter in the prior distribution to avoid degeneracy.
Comment 4:
The authors mention that real earthquakes are far from being periodic but, as they have considered a 0D model, their system generates periodic cycles. I wonder how far from a real state this 0D model is and why this study has not used a 1D model, in which at least a minimum spatial dimension would be considered. It will be interesting to address in the manuscript why the 0D model was chosen in this case.
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. We have addressed this comment by adding a paragraph on the use of 0D, 1D and higher models for studying earthquake cycles. It has been mentioned in the discussion (line 357-366 in page 21 in text).
Comment 5:
I suggest different colors for the trajectories in the phase diagram in Figure 2, as it is hard to distinguish between them.
This comment has been incorporated and the color has been changed in the figure.
Comment 6:
4 time steps in this model correspond to which portion of a seismic event? Please, describe it in the manuscript to situate the reader on the frequency of the assimilation steps, as earthquake cycles may not be a subject well understood by many.
Having large assimilation steps can also have a detrimental effect on the data assimilation process as it can miss characteristic variations of the earthquake cycle. A parameter bias can have a substantial effect on the evolution of the state variables, which may be difficult to correct if the assimilation step is large. Hence a short time step is to be chosen that allows the assimilation to capture the important characteristics of the earthquake cycle. An additional text has been added in the manuscript (line 207-210, page 9) to educate the readers behind selecting this time step.Comment 7:
Comment 7
Have you tested the impact of the use of less particles in the filter? If so, it would be good to share these results as well.
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. Yes, the authors have used 50 and 100 particles for this study. However, using a smaller number of particles, the system faces filter degeneracy issues. The authors added a sentence to describe these results. We have addressed this comment by adding text in the manuscript (line 340-347, page 21).
Comment 8:
How do the orders of magnitude of the observation errors compare to the states? Are those the typical magnitude of the real measurement errors?
The observational errors of the synthetic observations used in the study have been mentioned in the text (line 215-216, page 10). To obtain error estimates for each measurement type, the method explained in the study by Van Dinther (2019) were used where latest state-of-the-art values from the literature were considered. These errors were then downscaled to our model setup using the analogue scaling relation developed in Corbi et al.2013 (Van Dinther (2019).
Comment 9:
It would be good to explain in the label of Figure 5 what each of the lines in the pdf represent.
The red line represents the posterior pdf, the grey line represents the prior pdf, the magenta line shows where the observation stands, and the black line is the true state. This explanation has been added in the manuscript.
Comment 10:
The authors mention that by using different assimilation settings, it is possible to inflate the ensemble. But it seems that the ensemble spread is not exactly the problem, as the state-parameter estimation presents much better results than the other tests which have an improved ensemble spread. Can the authors explain more clearly the effects of the spread on this specific seismic system?
The authors are thankful to the reviewer for the comment. In the case of state parameter estimation, the prior distribution contains particles with different parameter values (covering the entire spectrum from e = 0.1 to 0.8) as shown in Figure 9 (a-e). Hence for the data assimilation to be effective there is no need to inflate the ensemble spread to cover the (observation or) the true state. As seen from Fig 9, the range of the prior encompasses the shear stress value of the observation. On the other hand, in state estimation, the parameter e is constant, which would require inflation of the ensemble to encompass the value of the observation.
Comment 11:
Figure 8b): What happens after nearly every 250 time steps, in which the periodic behaviour is lost by a double peak? What is the influence of the double resampling in these patterns?
In Figure 8b, which represents the double resampling experiment, we observe a double peak at 250 time steps. The data assimilation analysis does not fit the observations well. A similar mismatch is observed after approximately 500 time steps in this experiment. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. At these moments, the double resampling effectively increases the spread in the particles to such an extent, that the constraint to the shear stress observations becomes less strong. The double resampling is not as effective in increasing the ensemble spread as the increased model error is (Fig 8a). We added a sentence to the text to describe this. We have addressed this comment by adding text in the manuscript (line 269-274, page 17).
Comment 12:
Still on Figure 8, it seems that Fig 8a) presents better results than Fig 8c), which makes me wonder if the double resampling is really helping the system.
Indeed, the increased model error in Fig 8a appears to be more effective than the double resampling. We changed the text to reflect this and thank the reviewer for this observation. We have addressed this comment by adding text (line 274-279, page 17) in the manuscript.
Comment 13:
The results for the state-parameter estimation are indeed promising and I congratulate the authors for this, but I would expect a comparison of these results with any other study (if they exist) using 1D models with or without data assimilation. The manuscript lacks information on other results found by studies which used other data assimilation methods and/or models with different dimensions.
Data assimilation in earthquake cycle models is still in its infancy. We are not aware of other studies that considers a model similar to the earthquake cycle model that we have used in this study. In the discussion, we have added a section which talks about the use of simplified and higher dimensional models for studying earthquakes. (line 357-366).
Corbi, F., Funiciello, F., Moroni, M., Van Dinther, Y., Mai, P. M., Dalguer, L. A., & Faccenna, C. (2013). The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: 1. Insights from laboratory models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(4), 1483-1501.
van Dinther, Y., Künsch, H. R., & Fichtner, A. (2019). Ensemble data assimilation for earthquake sequences: probabilistic estimation and forecasting of fault stresses. Geophysical Journal International, 217(3), 1453-1478.
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Arundhuti Banerjee, 05 Jan 2023