Articles | Volume 28, issue 2
Research article
19 May 2021
Research article |  | 19 May 2021

Magnetospheric chaos and dynamical complexity response during storm time disturbance

Irewola Aaron Oludehinwa, Olasunkanmi Isaac Olusola, Olawale Segun Bolaji, Olumide Olayinka Odeyemi, and Abdullahi Ndzi Njah


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Short summary
The MLE and ApEn values of the Dst indicate that chaotic and dynamical complexity responses are high during minor geomagnetic storms, reduce at moderate geomagnetic storms and decline further during major geomagnetic storms. However, the MLE and ApEn values obtained from solar wind electric field (VBs) indicate that chaotic and dynamical complexity responses are high with no significant difference between the periods that are associated with minor, moderate and major geomagnetic storms.