Articles | Volume 25, issue 1
Research article
26 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 26 Jan 2018

On the intrinsic timescales of temporal variability in measurements of the surface solar radiation

Marc Bengulescu, Philippe Blanc, and Lucien Wald

Data sets

BSRN snapshot 2015-09, links to zip archives G. König-Langlo, A. Driemel, B. Raffel, and R. Sieger

Short summary
We employ the Hilbert–Huang transform to study the temporal variability in time series of daily means of the surface solar irradiance (SSI) at different locations around the world. The data have a significant spectral peak corresponding to the yearly variability cycle and feature quasi-stochastic high-frequency "weather noise", irrespective of the geographical location or of the local climate. Our findings can improve models for estimating SSI from satellite images or forecasts of the SSI.