Articles | Volume 24, issue 4
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© Author(s) 2017. This work is distributed under
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Multi-scale event synchronization analysis for unravelling climate processes: a wavelet-based approach
Ankit Agarwal
University of Potsdam, Institute of Earth and Environmental Science,
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24–25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, P.O. Box 60 12 03,
14412 Potsdam, Germany
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 5.4: Hydrology,
Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
Norbert Marwan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, P.O. Box 60 12 03,
14412 Potsdam, Germany
Maheswaran Rathinasamy
Civil engineering department, MVGR college of Engineering, Vizianagaram, India
Bruno Merz
University of Potsdam, Institute of Earth and Environmental Science,
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24–25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 5.4: Hydrology,
Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
Jürgen Kurths
University of Potsdam, Institute of Earth and Environmental Science,
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24–25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, P.O. Box 60 12 03,
14412 Potsdam, Germany
Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 46
Ulyanova St., Nizhny Novgorod 603950, Russia
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45 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Complex networks for tracking extreme rainfall during typhoons U. Ozturk et al. 10.1063/1.5004480
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- A network-based comparative study of extreme tropical and frontal storm rainfall over Japan U. Ozturk et al. 10.1007/s00382-018-4597-1
- Wavelet entropy-based evaluation of intrinsic predictability of time series R. Guntu et al. 10.1063/1.5145005
- Quantifying the roles of single stations within homogeneous regions using complex network analysis A. Agarwal et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.06.050
- Optimal synchronization of circulant and non-circulant oscillators S. Panahi et al. 10.1016/j.amc.2020.125830
- A game theoretical model for the stimulation of public cooperation in environmental collaborative governance Y. Fang et al. 10.1098/rsos.221148
- Network-based identification and characterization of teleconnections on different scales A. Agarwal et al. 10.1038/s41598-019-45423-5
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- Wavelet-based multiscale similarity measure for complex networks A. Agarwal et al. 10.1140/epjb/e2018-90460-6
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- Spatial coherence patterns of extreme winter precipitation in the U.S. A. Banerjee et al. 10.1007/s00704-023-04393-5
- Coupled network analysis revealing global monthly scale co-variability patterns between sea-surface temperatures and precipitation in dependence on the ENSO state N. Ekhtiari et al. 10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00168-z
- Scale-Location Dependence Relationship between Soil Organic Matter and Environmental Factors by Anisotropy Analysis and Multiple Wavelet Coherence Y. Gou et al. 10.3390/su141912569
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- Multi-scale dynamics of particle dampers using wavelets: Extracting particle activity metrics from ring down experiments C. Gnanasambandham et al. 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.04.009
- Optimal design of hydrometric station networks based on complex network analysis A. Agarwal et al. 10.5194/hess-24-2235-2020
- Customized sea‐surface temperature indicators linking to streamflow at different timescales A. Ganapathy & A. Agarwal 10.1002/joc.7853
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44 citations as recorded by crossref.
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- Network‐Synchronization Analysis Reveals the Weakening Tropical Circulations Z. Geng et al. 10.1029/2021GL093582
- Controls on Flood Trends Across the United States M. Kemter et al. 10.1029/2021WR031673
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- Wavelet entropy-based evaluation of intrinsic predictability of time series R. Guntu et al. 10.1063/1.5145005
- Quantifying the roles of single stations within homogeneous regions using complex network analysis A. Agarwal et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.06.050
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- A game theoretical model for the stimulation of public cooperation in environmental collaborative governance Y. Fang et al. 10.1098/rsos.221148
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- Development of Statistical Downscaling Model Based on Volterra Series Realization, Principal Components, Climate Classification, and Ridge Regression P. Singh et al. 10.3390/hydrology11090144
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- Multi-scale investigation on streamflow temporal variability and its connection to global climate indices for unregulated rivers in India P. Yeditha et al. 10.2166/wcc.2021.189
- Unravelling the spatial diversity of Indian precipitation teleconnections via a non-linear multi-scale approach J. Kurths et al. 10.5194/npg-26-251-2019
- Framework for developing IDF curves using satellite precipitation: a case study using GPM-IMERG V6 data K. Venkatesh et al. 10.1007/s12145-021-00708-0
- Event synchrony measures for functional climate network analysis: A case study on South American rainfall dynamics F. Wolf et al. 10.1063/1.5134012
- Synchronization of extreme rainfall during the Australian summer monsoon: Complex network perspectives K. Cheung & U. Ozturk 10.1063/1.5144150
- Effect of hydroclimatological teleconnections on the watershed‐scale drought predictability in the southeastern United States V. Sehgal & V. Sridhar 10.1002/joc.5439
- Catchment classification using community structure concept: application to two large regions S. Tumiran & B. Sivakumar 10.1007/s00477-020-01936-4
- Multiple Wavelet Coherence to Evaluate Local Multivariate Relationships in a Groundwater System X. Gu et al. 10.1111/gwat.13068
- Uniform discrete wavelet spectrum for detection of hydrologic variability at multiple timescales Y. Sang et al. 10.1016/j.jher.2021.01.005
Discussed (final revised paper)
Latest update: 08 Mar 2025
Short summary
Extreme events such as floods and droughts result from synchronization of different natural processes working at multiple timescales. Investigation on an observation timescale will not reveal the inherent underlying dynamics triggering these events. This paper develops a new method based on wavelets and event synchronization to unravel the hidden dynamics responsible for such sudden events. This method is tested with synthetic and real-world cases and the results are promising.
Extreme events such as floods and droughts result from synchronization of different natural...