Articles | Volume 24, issue 4
Research article
13 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 13 Oct 2017

Multi-scale event synchronization analysis for unravelling climate processes: a wavelet-based approach

Ankit Agarwal, Norbert Marwan, Maheswaran Rathinasamy, Bruno Merz, and Jürgen Kurths

Data sets

Precipitation or evapotranspiration? Bayesian analysis of potential error sources in the simulation of sub-basin discharges in the Czech Elbe River basin T. Conradt, H. Koch, F. F., Hattermann, and F. Wechsung

Reconstruction of daily global radiation for past years for use in agricultural models H. Oesterle

Short summary
Extreme events such as floods and droughts result from synchronization of different natural processes working at multiple timescales. Investigation on an observation timescale will not reveal the inherent underlying dynamics triggering these events. This paper develops a new method based on wavelets and event synchronization to unravel the hidden dynamics responsible for such sudden events. This method is tested with synthetic and real-world cases and the results are promising.