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Nonlinear equilibrium structure of thin currents sheets: influence of electron pressure anisotropy
L. M. Zelenyi
Space Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia
H. V. Malova
Space Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia
Scobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
V. Yu. Popov
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Vorobyevy gory, Moscow, Russia
D. Delcourt
Centre d’étude des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires-CNRS, Saint-Maur des Fossés, France
A. S. Sharma
Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
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83 citations as recorded by crossref.
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- Quasiadiabatic dynamics of charged particles in a space plasma L. Zelenyi et al. 10.3367/UFNe.0183.201304b.0365
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Latest update: 07 Mar 2025