Articles | Volume 7, issue 3/4
31 Dec 2000
 | 31 Dec 2000

On a nonlinear state of the electromagnetic ion/ion cyclotron instability

M. Cremer and M. Scholer

Abstract. We have investigated the nonlinear properties of the electromagnetic ion/ion cyclotron instability (EMIIC) by means of hybrid simulations (macroparticle ions, massless electron fluid). The instability is driven by the relative (super-Alfvénic) streaming of two field-aligned ion beams in a low beta plasma (ion thermal pressure to magnetic field pressure) and may be of importance in the plasma sheet boundary layer. As shown in previously reported simulations the waves propagate obliquely to the magnetic field and heat the ions in the perpendicular direction as the relative beam velocity decreases. By running the simulation to large times it can be shown that the large temperature anisotropy leads to the ion cyclotron instability (IC) with parallel propagating Alfvén ion cyclotron waves. This is confirmed by numerically solving the electromagnetic dispersion relation. An application of this property to the plasma sheet boundary layer is discussed.