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Thin and superthin ion current sheets. Quasi-adiabatic and nonadiabatic models
L. M. Zelenyi
Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
M. I. Sitnov
Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
H. V. Malova
Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
A. S. Sharma
Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
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86 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Quasiadiabatic dynamics of charged particles in a space plasma L. Zelenyi et al. 10.3367/UFNr.0183.201304b.0365
- Proton velocity distribution in thin current sheets: Cluster observations and theory of transient trajectories A. Artemyev et al. 10.1029/2010JA015702
- The structure of the Venusian current sheet I. Vasko et al. 10.1016/j.pss.2014.03.013
- Forced current sheets in the Earth's magnetotail: Their role and evolution due to nonadiabatic particle scattering L. Zelenyi et al. 10.1016/S0273-1177(02)00427-1
- Thin current sheets: from the work of Ginzburg and Syrovatskii to the present day L. Zelenyi et al. 10.3367/UFNe.2016.09.037923
- Influence of Oxygen Ions on the Structure of the Thin Current Sheet in the Earth’s Magnetotail V. Domrin et al. 10.1134/S0016793220020048
- Statistical study of thin current sheet evolution around substorm onset Y. Asano et al. 10.1029/2004JA010413
- Current Sheet in a non-Maxwellian collisionless plasma: Self-consistent theory, simulation, and comparison with spacecraft observations K. Malova et al. 10.1134/S1063780X10100028
- Formation of a quasi-one-dimensional current sheet in the laboratory experiment and in the Earth’s magnetotail E. Yushkov et al. 10.1134/S1063780X15010055
- Antisunward structure of thin current sheets in the Earth's magnetotail: Implications of quasi‐adiabatic theory H. Malova et al. 10.1002/jgra.50390
- Structure of Current Sheets with Quasi-Adiabatic Dynamics of Particles in the Solar Wind K. Malova et al. 10.1134/S0010952518060060
- Thin current sheets in the Jovian magnetotail A. Artemyev et al. 10.1016/j.pss.2014.03.012
- Current Sheets with Multicomponent Plasma in Magnetospheres of Planets of the Solar System V. Domrin et al. 10.1134/S0010952520060039
- Current Sheets in the Earth Magnetotail: Plasma and Magnetic Field Structure with Cluster Project Observations A. Petrukovich et al. 10.1007/s11214-014-0126-7
- Kinetic models of two-dimensional plane and axially symmetric current sheets: Group theory approach I. Vasko et al. 10.1063/1.4792263
- Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Earth’s Magnetotail and Implications for the General Problem of Structure Formation in Hot Plasmas L. Zelenyi et al. 10.1007/s11214-014-0037-7
- Regimes of ion dynamics in current sheets: The machine learning approach A. Lukin et al. 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.065205
- Thin current sheets with strong bell-shape guide field: Cluster observations and models with beams I. Vasko et al. 10.5194/angeo-32-1349-2014
- Hall effect control of magnetotail dawn‐dusk asymmetry: A three‐dimensional global hybrid simulation S. Lu et al. 10.1002/2016JA023325
- Ion motion in a polarized current sheet E. Tsai et al. 10.1063/1.4975017
- Kinetic model of electric potentials in localized collisionless plasma structures under steady quasi-gyrotropic conditions K. Schindler et al. 10.1063/1.4747162
- Earth's distant magnetotail current sheet near and beyond lunar orbit I. Vasko et al. 10.1002/2015JA021633
- Formation of thin bifurcated current sheets by quasisteady compression K. Schindler & M. Hesse 10.1063/1.2907359
- Self-consistent description of the tangential-discontinuity-type current sheet, using the particle trajectory method and angular variables Y. Sasunov et al. 10.1063/1.5044720
- The ion temperature gradient: An intrinsic property of Earth's magnetotail S. Lu et al. 10.1002/2017JA024209
- Effect of the normal component of the magnetic field on the kink instability of the Earth’s magnetospheric current sheet A. Artemyev et al. 10.1134/S1063780X08090110
- Mechanisms of Spontaneous Reconnection: From Magnetospheric to Fusion Plasma L. Zelenyi & A. Artemyev 10.1007/s11214-013-9959-8
- Role of oxygen ions in the formation of a bifurcated current sheet in the magnetotail S. Dalena et al. 10.1029/2009JA014710
- Circulation of Heavy Ions and Their Dynamical Effects in the Magnetosphere: Recent Observations and Models E. Kronberg et al. 10.1007/s11214-014-0104-0
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- Kinetic Structure of Current Sheets in the Earth Magnetotail A. Artemyev & L. Zelenyi 10.1007/s11214-012-9954-5
- Asymmetric thin current sheets in the Earth's magnetotail H. Malova et al. 10.1029/2007GL030011
- Fractal topology and strange kinetics: from percolation theory to problems in cosmic electrodynamics L. Zelenyi & A. Milovanov 10.3367/UFNr.0174.200408a.0809
- On the radial force balance in the quiet time magnetotail current sheet A. Artemyev et al. 10.1002/2016JA022480
- Time Evolution of the Macroscopic Characteristics of a Thin Current Sheet in the Course of Its Formation in the Earth’s Magnetotail V. Domrin et al. 10.1134/S1063780X18040025
- Particle Acceleration in the Magnetotail and Aurora J. Birn et al. 10.1007/s11214-012-9874-4
- Current Sheets, Plasmoids and Flux Ropes in the Heliosphere O. Pezzi et al. 10.1007/s11214-021-00799-7
- Current sheets in planetary magnetospheres L. Zelenyi et al. 10.1088/1361-6587/aafbbf
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- Ion motion in the current sheet with sheared magnetic field – Part 2: Non-adiabatic effects A. Artemyev et al. 10.5194/npg-20-899-2013
- Statistics of intense dawn‐dusk currents in the Earth's magnetotail A. Artemyev et al. 10.1002/2015JA021046
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- Quasiadiabatic dynamics of charged particles in a space plasma L. Zelenyi et al. 10.3367/UFNe.0183.201304b.0365
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- Splitting of thin current sheets in the Earth’s magnetosphere L. Zelenyi et al. 10.1134/1.1625728
- Jumps of adiabatic invariant at the separatrix of a degenerate saddle point A. Artemyev et al. 10.1063/1.3657916
- System of kinetic equations describing large-scale processes in collisionless space plasma O. Mingalev et al. 10.1134/S1063780X17100026
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- The estimate of the Venus magnetotail length I. Vasko et al. 10.1134/S0038094614010079
- Albert Galeev: The Problem of Metastability and Explosive Reconnection L. Zelenyi et al. 10.1134/S1063780X21090075
- Evolution of ion distribution functions during the “aging” process of thin current sheets L. Zelenyi et al. 10.1016/S0273-1177(02)00933-X
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- Investigation of scaling properties of a thin current sheet by means of particle trajectories study Y. Sasunov et al. 10.1002/2014JA020486
- Thin current sheets: from the work of Ginzburg and Syrovatskii to the present day L. Zelenyi et al. 10.3367/UFNr.2016.09.037923
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- A model of one-dimensional current sheet with parallel currents and normal component of magnetic field A. Artemyev 10.1063/1.3552141
Latest update: 29 Mar 2025