Articles | Volume 30, issue 2
Review article
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30 Jun 2023
Review article | Highlight paper |  | 30 Jun 2023

Review article: Large fluctuations in non-equilibrium physics

Giovanni Jona-Lasinio


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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024
Executive editor
This paper is a review of very high quality of works done on an aspect which is absolutely fundamental for climate science
Short summary
Non-equilibrium is dominant in geophysical and climate phenomena. Most of the processes that characterize energy flow occur far from equilibrium. These range from very large systems, such as weather patterns or ocean currents that remain far from equilibrium, owing to an influx of energy, to biological structures. In the last decades, progress in non-equilibrium physics has come from the study of very rare fluctuations, and this paper provides an introduction to these theoretical developments.