Articles | Volume 3, issue 4
© Author(s) 1996. This work is licensed under
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Special issue:
© Author(s) 1996. This work is licensed under
the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Multifractal intermittency of Eulerian and Lagrangian turbulence of ocean temperature and plankton fields
L. Seuront
Station Marine de Wimereux, CNRS-URA 1363, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille, 28 avenue Foch, BP 80, 62930 Wimereux, France
F. Schmitt
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, CNRS/UPR 1211, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Tour 15, BP 99, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
now at the Institut Royal Météorologique, Section Climatologie Dynamique, 3 avenue Circulaire, 1180 Bruxelles, Belgium
D. Schertzer
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, CNRS/UPR 1211, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Tour 15, BP 99, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Y. Lagadeuc
Station Marine de Wimereux, CNRS-URA 1363, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille, 28 avenue Foch, BP 80, 62930 Wimereux, France
S. Lovejoy
Physics Dept., McGill University, 3600 University St., Montréal, H3A 2T8, Canada
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38 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Phytoplankton patchiness: the role of lateral stirring and mixing A. Martin 10.1016/S0079-6611(03)00085-5
- Statistical properties of turbidity, oxygen and pH fluctuations in the Seine river estuary (France) F. Schmitt et al. 10.1016/j.physa.2008.08.026
- Correlation between long-term marine temperature time series from the eastern and western English Channel: Scaling analysis using empirical mode decomposition J. Derot et al. 10.1016/j.crte.2015.12.001
- Nutrient Patchiness, Phytoplankton Surge-Uptake, and Turbulent History: A Theoretical Approach and Its Experimental Validation M. Schapira & L. Seuront 10.3390/fluids5020080
- Long-term high frequency phytoplankton dynamics, recorded from a coastal water autonomous measurement system in the eastern English Channel J. Derot et al. 10.1016/j.csr.2015.09.015
- Copepod diffusion within multifractal phytoplankton fields C. Marguerit et al. 10.1016/S0924-7963(97)00100-0
- Atmospherically-promoted photosynthetic activity in a well-mixed ecosystem: Significance of wet deposition events of nitrogen compounds C. Boulart et al. 10.1016/j.ecss.2006.04.021
- Intermittent‐type temporal fluctuations in seismicity of the Irpinia (southern Italy) Region L. Telesca et al. 10.1029/2001GL012949
- Temperature statistics above a deep-ocean sloping boundary A. Cimatoribus & H. van Haren 10.1017/jfm.2015.295
- SST Dynamics at Different Scales: Evaluating the Oceanographic Model Resolution Skill to Represent SST Processes in the Southern Ocean J. Skákala et al. 10.1029/2018JC014791
- Multiscaling statistical procedures for the exploration of biophysical couplings in intermittent turbulence. Part I. Theory L. Seuront & F. Schmitt 10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.01.006
- Turbulence intermittency, small-scale phytoplankton patchiness and encounter rates in plankton: where do we go from here? L. Seuront et al. 10.1016/S0967-0637(00)00089-3
- Complex coastal oceanographic fields can be described by universal multifractals J. Skákala & T. Smyth 10.1002/2015JC011111
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- Small-scale turbulence in the plankton: low-order deterministic chaos or high-order stochasticity? L. Seuront 10.1016/j.physa.2004.04.128
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- Continuous multifractal models with zero values: a continuous $\beta $ -multifractal model F. Schmitt 10.1088/1742-5468/2014/02/P02008
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- Fractal analysis provides new insights into the complexity of marine mammal behavior: A review, two methods, their application to diving and surfacing patterns, and their relevance to marine mammal welfare assessment L. Seuront & N. Cribb 10.1111/mms.12399
- Multiscaling statistical procedures for the exploration of biophysical couplings in intermittent turbulence. Part II. Applications L. Seuront & F. Schmitt 10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.01.005
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- Eulerian and Lagrangian properties of biophysical intermittency in the ocean L. Seuront & F. Schmitt 10.1029/2003GL018185
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- Linking Eulerian and Lagrangian structure functions’ scaling exponents in turbulence F. Schmitt 10.1016/j.physa.2005.12.028
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Latest update: 07 Mar 2025