Articles | Volume 25, issue 3
Research article
18 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2018

Exceedance frequency of appearance of the extreme internal waves in the World Ocean

Tatyana Talipova, Efim Pelinovsky, Oxana Kurkina, Ayrat Giniyatullin, and Andrey Kurkin

Abstract. Statistical estimates of internal waves in different regions of the World Ocean are discussed. It is found that the observed exceedance probability of large-amplitude internal waves in most cases can be described by the Poisson law, which is one of the typical laws of extreme statistics. Detailed analysis of the statistical properties of internal waves in several regions of the World Ocean has been performed: tropical part of the Atlantic Ocean, northwestern shelf of Australia, the Mediterranean Sea near the Egyptian coast, and the Yellow Sea.

Short summary
Strong internal waves have a significant influence on underwater marine environment and off-shore engineering facilities. They induce noticeable currents and take part in the processes of mixing of water layers, suspension and transport of sediment particles, and formation of sea bottom relief. We consider probability of emergence of large-amplitude internal waves on the basis of instrumental measurements of internal wave fields in five different regions of the World Ocean.