Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
21 Oct 2004
 | 21 Oct 2004

Characterization of Strombolian events by using independent component analysis

A. Ciaramella, E. De Lauro, S. De Martino, B. Di Lieto, M. Falanga, and R. Tagliaferri

Abstract. We apply Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to seismic signals recorded at Stromboli volcano. Firstly, we show how ICA works considering synthetic signals, which are generated by dynamical systems. We prove that Strombolian signals, both tremor and explosions, in the high frequency band (>0.5 Hz), are similar in time domain. This seems to give some insights to the organ pipe model generation for the source of these events. Moreover, we are able to recognize in the tremor signals a low frequency component (<0.5 Hz), with a well defined peak corresponding to 30s.