05 Mar 2024
 | 05 Mar 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal NPG.

Scaling and intermittent properties of oceanic and atmospheric pCO2 time series and their difference

Kévin Robache, François G. Schmitt, and Yongxiang Huang

Abstract. In this study the multi-scale dynamics of 38 oceanic and atmospheric pCO2 time series from fixed Eulerian buoys recorded with three-hour resolution are considered. The difference between these time series, the sea surface temperature and the sea surface salinity data were also studied. These series possess multi-scale turbulent-like fluctuations and display scaling properties from three hours to the annual scale. Scaling exponents are estimated through Fourier analysis and their average quantities considered globally for all parameters, as well as for different ecosystems (e.g. coastal shelf, coral reefs, open ocean). Sea surface temperature is the only parameter for which a spectral slope close to 5/3 is found, corresponding to a passive scalar in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. The other parameters had smaller spectral slopes, from 1.18 to 1.35. By using empirical mode decomposition of the time series, together with generalized Hilbert spectral analysis, the intermittency of the time series was considered in the multifractal framework. Concave moment functions were estimated and Hurst index and intermittency parameters estimated in the framework of a lognormal multifractal fit. It is the first time that atmospheric and oceanic pCO2 and their difference ∆pCO2 are studied using such intermittent turbulence framework. The ∆pCO2 time series was shown to possess power-law scaling with an exponent of β = 1.32 ± 0.2.

Kévin Robache, François G. Schmitt, and Yongxiang Huang

Status: open (until 10 May 2024)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on npg-2024-7', Anonymous Referee #1, 23 Apr 2024 reply
Kévin Robache, François G. Schmitt, and Yongxiang Huang
Kévin Robache, François G. Schmitt, and Yongxiang Huang


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Short summary
In this work the multi-scale dynamics of 38 oceanic and atmospheric pCO2 time series, sea surface temperature and salinity from fixed buoys recorded with three-hour resolution are considered. The Fourier scaling exponents are estimated. The differences found for 3 ecosystems – coastal shelf, coral reefs, open ocean are discussed. Multifractal properties of pCO2 difference between ocean and atmosphere are found and characterized over the scale range from 3 hours to one year.